
Jeffrey Gordon
CS373 Spring 2021: Jeffrey Gordon
2 min readFeb 15, 2021


  1. What did you do this past week?

This past week was very stressful. I spent the first half of the week trying to finish Collatz and my Artificial Intelligence project, then the latter half studying for an english exam. I did well on everything though, so that is a big relief.

2. Whats in your way?

Currently, the only thing in my way is staying on top of things, and time management. Learning how to study efficiently while keeping non school related things in check is the name of the game.

3. What will you do next week?

Next week will be a routine one. Wake up, work, workout, study, sleep, repeat. I am just embracing the grind and enjoying it day by day.

4. If you read it, what did you think of Pair Programming?

I think pair programming is a fantastic tool to utilize. I have done pair programming before in other CS classes, and it really takes the stress off of you. Would you rather be struggling in the GDC basement late at night alone or with someone else thats going through it to? Also, it helps to communicate with my partner and learn valuable information that I wouldn’t have attained otherwise. Learning how someone thinks and codes, and being able to takeaway from that is priceless, and that is a quick ticket to getting better overall.

5. What was your experience of types?

I am already pretty familiar with types, so last class was more of a refresher.

6. What made you happy this week?

Getting closer to perfecting my protein milkshake made me happy this week. I have been making one every day this week, and it’s only getting better. I am trying to surpass smoothie king!

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick of the week was learning the entire gitlab process. From coding, commits, issues, and pipelines, the whole experience was enlightening. The entire process felt seamless, and everything felt organized. I cannot wait to use this for upcoming projects.

